Fig. 2. Superstructure and magnetization of LixFe7Se8.
(A) Powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) of Li0.53Fe7Se8 and Fe7Se8 with both Cu and Co Kα radiations. To see the superstructure peaks clearly, low-angle parts are shown exclusively. They are 8° to 31° and 8° to 36° for Cu and Co targets, respectively. These patterns are collected for long and same time duration. Peaks corresponding to superstructure are marked by red arrows. The number on each peak is its intensity counts (background is subtracted). These superstructure peaks of Fe7Se8 can be seen clearly with both Cu and Co Kα radiations, but systematically disappear in Li0.53Fe7Se8. Red dot lines show the shifts of the peaks of fundamental NiAs structure, indicating the enlargement of lattice parameters after doping. (B) Suppression of magnetism of LixFe7Se8 with the increment of lithium content. Inflections at around 130 to 150 K are caused by residual Fe7Se8, which experiences spin reorientation at this temperature (33). The magnetization of Li0.53Fe7Se8 is multiplied by 30 for clarity.