Fig. 3.
Group and individual responses to cocaine cues in the left BLA. Responses are from n = 8 CK.GFP subjects and n = 7 CK.D1 subjects. a) Hand-drawn region of interest of the left BLA based on the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1986). b) Group time-course differences in the differential BOLD response between CS+ and CS− associated odors (Chapuis et al., 2009) for CK.D1 (filled squares) and CK.GFP (open squares) groups in the left BLA region of interest. Odor responses were averaged within an atlas-based left BLA region, across blocks, yielding event-related group specific responses; * indicates the significant (P < 0.01; #P = 0.06) time point. c) Individual differential responses in the BLA. BOLD activation was averaged across similar blocks, the difference taken between odors, and plotted against place preference scores (time spent on drug side − time spent on saline side). CK.D1, filled squares; CK.GFP, open squares; linear regression (line) yields a significant (P < 0.04) positive correlation for CK.D1, but not CK.GFP. d) Assessment of odor habituation in the BLA ROI. Figure represents demeaned (CS+ − CS−) odor response averaged within each 1 min odor cycle, for minutes 1–9 (after baseline) in the 10 min experiment. There was no significant time effect (Ps > 0.05).