(a) Bleb size is measured as the distance from the midpoint of the bleb neck (defined by the solid points) to the point on the membrane with the largest horizontal coordinate, then subtracting the initial difference between these points (open circles). (Shaded representation) Membrane. (Triangles) Points where pressure is sampled to compute pressure propagation across the cell in (c). (b) Bleb size over time when G = 500 Pa and κ = 10−3μm2. (Dashed line) Steady-state bleb size. The values labeled in Roman numerals I–IV indicate time values at t = 0.63, 5, 12.85, and 20, respectively. (c) Difference between the pressure at the back of the cell minus the front of the cell (near the bleb) divided by the initial pressure over the first 25 s. (d) Horizontal pressure profiles at t = 0.63, 5, 12.85, and 20 s. To see this figure in color, go online.