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. 2016 Mar 11;4:8. doi: 10.1186/s40349-016-0054-y

Table 1.

MRI parameters

Pulse sequence name Axial T1 FSE Axial/sag/coronal T2 FRFSE Axial DWI echo planar imaging (EPI) Axial DCE GRE/FSPGR Pre-DCE T1 maps
Plane(s) of acquisition Obl/Axial oAx oSag oCor oAx Ax Ax Ax Ax
TR (msec) 750 2520 3050 2830 4275 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
TE (msec) 7.0 117 102 102 80 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Flip angle 90 90 90 90 90 12 15 10 5
Matrix (cm) 256/192 320/256 320/256 320/256 128/128 160/160 160/160 160/160 160/160
Field of view (cm) 38/30 22/22 18/18 18/18 38/38 22/22 22/22 22/22 22/22
Slice thickness and slice gap (mm) 5.0/1.0 3.0/0.5 3.0/0.5 3.0/0.5 3.0/0.5 5.0/0.0 5.0/0.0 5.0/0.0 5.0/0.0
Number of signal averages 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 1.1 2.0 2.0 2.0
Parallel imaging factor TETRA/asset
Presence of fat suppression None None None None Yes None None None None
3 B values (s/mm2) None None None None 100 800 1400 None None None None

Vendor: GE 3T HDxt 16.0. Field strength 3 T. Type of coil (number of channels): HD TORSO ARRAY 8 CH. No endorectal coil. For DCE: concentration of gadolinium (use 0.1 mmol/kg) MultiHance (gadobenate dimeglumine); rate of power injection 3 ml/s/volume based on weight of patient; volume of saline flush 3 ml/s/20 ml saline flush; injection and scan delay: imaging begins/acquired immediately. After 22 s of imaging, gadolinium is injected (22-s contrast injection scan delay); time per phase 8 s per phase/total scan time 04:33; number of phases 35

EPI echo planar imaging, FRFSE fast-relaxation fast spin echo, FSE fast spin echo, GRE gradient echo, DCE dynamic contrast exam, FSPGR fast spoiled gradient echo, DWI diffusion-weighted imaging