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. 2016 Feb 29;2016:8704910. doi: 10.1155/2016/8704910

Table 4.

Correlation with clinical scores was investigated. Structural connectivity values based on the number of fibers connecting two regions are reported within the identified connections. Correlations between structural connectivity and MDS-UPDSR score are reported as Spearman correlation coefficients, with corrected P values in the rightmost column. Bold text shows the connections that significantly correlated with MDS-UPDRS-III (corrected P < 0.001).

Correlation with MDS-UPDRS-III score
Connection Number of fibers (mean ± SD) Corr coef. (corrected P value)
(a) Cortico-cortical connection L_precentral-L_posteriorcingulate 4.6 ± 8.23 1.56 ± 2.89 3.14 ± 6.39 0.16 (1)
L_paracentral-L_superiorfrontal 1.18 ± 1.67 3.21 ± 6.29 2.15 ± 4.61 −0.32 (<0.001)
L_paracentral-L_posteriorcingulate 8.72 ± 8.32 3.48 ± 4.35 6.21 ± 7.17 0.15 (1)
L_posteriorcingulate-L_superiorfrontal 11.7 ± 8.96 6.27 ± 6.23 9.09 ± 8.20 0.04 (1)
L_parsorbitalis-R_superiorfrontal 0.65 ± 3.33 2.18 ± 4.72 1.39 ± 4.10 0.01 (1)
R_paracentral-L_paracentral 0.65 ± 2.02 2.59 ± 4.5 1.58 ± 5.56 0.03 (1)
R_paracentral-R_posteriorcingulate 37.7 ± 23.47 17.8 ± 23.3 28.19 ± 25.33 0.56 (<0.001)
R_precentral-R_posteriorcingulate 13.1 ± 16.75 5.54 ± 14.3 9.47 ± 15.98 0.17 (0.992)
R_posteriorcingulate-R_superiorfrontal 43.67 ± 27.54 19.94 ± 21.7 32.27 ± 27.48 0.54 (<0.001)
R_posteriorcingulate-R_superiorparietal 10.45 ± 17.27 3.00 ± 6.78 6.87 ± 13.74 0.27 (0.057)
R_rostralmiddlefrontal-R_inferiorparietal 1.42 ± 3.20 0.29 ± 1.17 0.88 ± 2.50 0.03 (1)

(b) Cortico-subcortical connection L_pallidum-L_frontalpole 0.77 ± 1.51 2.83 ± 6.40 1.76 ± 4.65 −0.04 (1)
L_pallidum-L_postcentral 5.52 ± 9.17 16.08 ± 26.3 10.60 ± 19.98 0.18 (0.85)
L_putamen-L_precentral 14.5 ± 8.95 24.86 ± 24.48 19.48 ± 18.77 0.54 (<0.001)
L_putamen-L_rostralmiddlefrontal 34.87 ± 30.86 21.83 ± 21.34 28.61 ± 27.34 0.09 (1)
L_caudate-L_rostralmiddlefrontal 37.5 ± 41.4 15.59 ± 24.66 26.97 ± 35.90 −0.08 (1)
L_thalamusproper-L_rostralmiddlefrontal 7.27 ± 9.75 3.27 ± 5.02 5.35 ± 8.05 0.02 (1)
R_pallidum-R_superiorfrontal 1.50 ± 2.76 4.57 ± 7.97 2.97 ± 6.03 0.01 (1)

(c) Subcortical connection L_caudate-L_putamen 2.28 ± 3.34 5.59 ± 7.58 3.7 ± 5.98 0.06 (1)
R_putamen-R_pallidum 2.28 ± 2.33 4.51 ± 3.98 3.35 ± 3.40 −0.14 (1)
Brainstem-L_putamen 3.80 ± 5.71 7.78 ± 10.96 5.71 ± 8.81 0.15 (1)
Brainstem-L_caudate 2.00 ± 4.29 4.51 ± 6.46 3.21 ± 5.55 0.01 (1)
Brainstem-R_thalamusproper 31.48 ± 18.72 42.08 ± 23.13 36.57 ± 21.49 0.19 (0.648)