Confocal images of midbrain sections (40μm) in A8 (A), A9 (B) and A10 (C)
from Dat1-eGFP mice (upper panels) and WT (lower panels).
Brains sections were immunostained for DAT (red) and TH (blue) as described in
Material and Methods. Midbrain neurons show DAT and TH
immunofluorescence in the cytoplasm and neuronal processes and extensive overlay
is observed with eGFP reporter signal, which is diffusely distributed in the
entire cell body including nucleus. Non-transgenic WT littermates show similar
DAT and TH distribution but the eGFP signal is completely absent (Fig.
2A–C, lower panels). Scalebar = 20 μm. A region of
interest (ROI) from RRF, SN and VTA respectively is depicted to visualize eGFP
signal and co-expression with the DAergic markers. Scalebar = 20
μm. Identical confocal laser settings were used for all images, and
images shown are representative (Dat1-eGFP: n
= 3, WT: n = 1).