Local contact affects vortex configuration in a thin superconducting
film. (a) Experimental configuration. Stress is applied with the tip
of the SQUID chip by pushing the cantilever (inset) into the sample.
(b) Vortex configuration in an NbN thin film imaged at 4.2 K with
no contact. The vortices are positive (white), and the flux in each
integrates to 1 Φ0 (Supporting Information). (c) Vortex configuration imaged out of contact
after dragging the tip in contact with the sample over a 30 μm
× 30 μm square (dashed square). The sweep lines in the x-direction were spaced by 250 nm, progressing toward the
top of the square (arrows). The strong white signal outside the dark
square shows the accumulation of vortices (see Supporting Information for further discussion of the color
scale). (d) Renewed vortex configuration on the same area displays
no memory of previous manipulations. (e) Diamagnetic response to locally
applied field by an on-chip coil, before (top) and after (bottom)
the area was scanned in contact in b (dashed square). Susceptibility
was measured by applying field of 0.2 G, 800 Hz. The field was not
applied during the magnetometry scans in panels b–d. The area
was recooled in the presence of 0.1 mG, and no vortices were present
during susceptibility measurements. (f) Atomic force microscopy of
the area that was scanned in contact (top) and a different area that
was not scanned in contact (bottom). We detected no differences in
topography or damage to the film. The roughness of the two areas,
0.26 nm root-mean-square, indicates that no damage was made by the
contact. (g) Vortex configuration (top), and the same area after we
made contact at one point at 8 K, where the SQUID is no longer superconducting
but the vortices are still pinned (bottom). Vortices moved toward
the contact location (cleared from the darker point). The SQUID was
disconnected during contact. Both images were taken with no contact
at 4.2 K.