Publication timeline for microbial opsins and optogenetics over 45 years. Trajectory of the number of papers per year searchable in PubMed by bacteriorhodopsin (triangles); the second trajectory (squares) shows papers searchable by keywords encompassing all other related efforts: halorhodopsin, channelrhodopsin or variations of optogenetics. Note steady progress of the groundbreaking bacteriorhodopsin literature, not surpassed by the rest of the field until 2010. Key pioneering papers relevant to bacteriorhodopsin7, halorhodopsin198,199 and channelrhodopsin15,46,200 are indicated. Publication counts: PubMed search on 1 July 2015. The first 5 years of single-component optogenetics are shown in orange, during which time few papers were published, and the second 5 years (to the present) shown in blue. Circular symbols for 2015 represent linear extrapolation based on the first 6 months.