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. 2016 Mar 14;11(3):e0151276. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151276

Table 1. Physical and technological maturity parameters of Meili grapes at harvest based on berry density classes.

Density level Berry weight(g) Volume(cm3) Surface(cm2) Reducing sugars(g L-1) Total acidity(tartaric acid, g L-1) pH
D3 3.06±0.60(a)α 2.46±0.44(a) 8.77±1.05(a) 152.33±2.08(a) 8.71±0.50(b) 2.98±0.03(a)
D4 2.92±0.54(a) 2.41±0.47(a) 8.66±1.15(a) 166.33±2.52(b) 8.58±0.55(b) 3.02±0.05(a)
D5 2.83±0.51(a) 2.29±0.40(a) 8.38±0.98(a) 182.67±2.08(c) 7.32±0.66(a) 3.15±0.07(b)

α Values are the mean ± standard deviation (n = 30 for berry weight, volume, and surface; n = 3 for reducing sugars, total acidity, and pH). Within columns, significant differences according to the Fisher’s LSD test at the P ≤ 0.05 level are indicated by different letters.