Table 2. Wine parameters.
Wine sample | Alcohol content(%,V/V) | Titratable acidity (tartaric acid, g L-1) | pH | Residual sugars(g L-1) |
D3α | 8.99±0.90(a)β | 6.48±0.33(a) | 3.02±0.22(a) | 1.05±0.02(a) |
D4 | 9.80±0.23(b) | 6.27±0.37(a) | 3.15±0.09(ab) | 1.07±0.03(a) |
D5 | 10.80±0.39(c) | 6.03±0.23(a) | 3.34±0.10(b) | 1.08±0.04(a) |
α D3, D4, and D5 indicate the Meili wines produced from grapes at 1076 kg m-3, 1082 kg m-3, and 1089 kg m-3, respectively.
β Values are the mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). Within columns, significant differences according to the Fisher’s LSD test at the P ≤ 0.05 level are indicated by different letters.