Fig. 1.
RON3 gene structure, expression pattern, and protein localization. (A) RON3 gene structure. Exons are boxed, ORFs are dark blue, UTRs are light blue, introns are shown as lines, and mutations are shown by arrows. (B) Rosette phenotype of Ler, ron3-1 (Ler), F1 ron3-1×ron3-2, ron3-2 (Col), and Col. (C and D) In situ hybridization with RON3 probe of the shoot apex and primary root tip, respectively. (E–H) Marker activity in the RON3::GFP–GUS line in (E) primary root, (F) emerging lateral root, (G) leaf primordia, and (H) heart-stage embryo and (I and J) GFP-RON3 localization in (I) primary root meristem and (J) epidermis. c, Cortex; DZ, differentiation zone; e, epidermis; el, emerging leaf; lp, leaf primordia; lr, lateral root primordium; n, nucleus; p, protoderm; pc, procambium; pm, plasma membrane; qc, quiescent center; RAM, root apical meristem; rc, root cap; s, stele; SAM, shoot apical meristem. (Scale bars: B, 1 cm; C–G, I, and J, 50 µm; H, 250 µm.)