Figure 5. Pur-alpha functional domains required for SG assembly and incorporation.
HEK293T cell expressing human Pur-alpha shRNA were transfected with deletion constructs to determine the functional domain required to restore SG formation. (a). Immunofluoresence of Pur-alpha shRNA GFP #1 (green), HA-Pur-alpha deletion constructs (white), G3BP (magenta), DAPI (blue). Arrows indicate SGs positive for both Pur-alpha and G3BP. (b) Schematic diagram to demonstrate the functional domains systematically deleted to map the domain required for SG formation and incorporation (c). Quantification of the number of cells containing SGs. Expression of Pur-alpha shRNA cause a significant reduction in the total percentage of cells containing SGs. Co-expression of Pur-alpha WT and other mutations in the presence of Pur-alpha shRNA restored SG formation. Pur-alpha del 153–322 mutant does not restore SG formation. ANOVA was performed with Tukey’s multiple comparison. Error bars represent ± SEM. (P=0.001***, 0.0001****).