Figure 1. Sunitinib therapy increased AXL level in RCC tumors. AXL and MET expression are associated with worse OS in RCC patients.
(A) TMA from sunitinib treated or untreated tumor from RCC patients were stained for AXL. The AXL levels were quantified and compared between the two groups of patients (*** indicates p<0.001). (B) The sunitinib treated patients were equally separated to high and low groups according to the AXL levels; the OS and PFS were compared between the two groups (* indicates p<0.05). (C) TMA from sunitinib treated or untreated tumor from RCC patients were stained for MET. The AXL levels were quantified and compared between the two groups of patients. (D) The sunitinib treated patients were equally separated to high and low groups according to the MET levels; the OS and PFS were compared between the two groups (* indicates p<0.05, ** indicates p<0.01).