Mass chromatograms of quantifier mass transitions of methylpyridinium ether (FMP) derivatives of estrogens; (A) chromatographic resolution of derivatives of estrone (E1), estradiol (E2) and 17α-estradiol (17αE2) (400 pg) prepared from aqueous standard solutions. Derivatized E1 (B) and E2 (C) from standards prepared with quantities equivalent to the limits of quantitation. Quantifier mass transitions of 3,4-[13C]2 derivatized estrone (D,F) and 3,4-[13C]2 -estradiol (E,G) in standards (200 pg) and blank plasma, respectively, demonstrating lack of interferences at the retention times of interest. Derivatized E1 (H, J), E2 (I, K) in extracts of female and male plasma, respectively. Counts per second (cps).