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. 2015 Oct 12;14:135–149. doi: 10.1007/s40258-015-0202-5

Table 3.

Model input parameters used in sponsor’s economic model

Parameter Value, range and distribution Description
Clinical input parameters
 Baseline CRBSI rate 1.48 per 1000 catheter days; normal distribution; standard error = 0.074 (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by 20) Source was data reported in Matching Michigan study, based on CRBSI rates reported in 97 % of English NHS ICUs [6]
 Hazard ratio for CRBSI with Tegaderm CHG 0.402; lognormal distribution; Alpha = −0.911 (calculated in Excel sheet as log mean); Beta = −0.393 (source unclear) Source was the RCT identified in the sponsor’s clinical review [11], and hazard ratio was applied to CRBSI baseline risk
 Baseline local site infection rate 0.1 per patient; normal distribution; standard error = 0.01 (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by 10) Source was a cost–benefit analysis identified in the sponsor’s cost-effectiveness review [28]. The original source was a small US RCT published in 1996 [34]
 Hazard ratio for local site infection with Tegaderm CHG 0.402; lognormal distribution; Alpha = −0.911 (calculated in Excel sheet as log mean); Beta = −0.393 (source unclear) Assumed to be the same as the hazard ratio for CRBSI [11] and applied to baseline risk
 Baseline dermatitis risk 0.0026 per catheter; normal distribution; standard error = 0.00026 (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by 10) Source was a cost–benefit analysis identified in the sponsor’s cost-effectiveness review [26]. The original source was the RCT by Timsit et al. comparing CHG sponge with standard dressings [12]
 Relative risk for dermatitis with Tegaderm CHG 4.4; lognormal distribution; Alpha = 18.034 (calculated in Excel sheet as log mean); Beta = −0.393 (source unclear) Relative risk was taken from the RCT identified in the sponsor’s clinical review [11] and applied to the baseline risk
Cost and resource use input parameters
 Cost of CRBSI £9,990; Gamma distribution; Alpha = 198 (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by Beta); Beta = 50 (assumption) Source was a 2008 health technology assessment identified in the sponsor’s cost-effectiveness review [25] and validated using expert advice by the sponsor
 Cost of dermatitis £150; Gamma distribution; Alpha = 30 (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by Beta); Beta = 5 (assumption) Source was a cost–benefit analysis identified from the sponsor’s cost-effectiveness review [26]. The cost includes replacement of the catheter
 Cost of local site infection £250; Gamma distribution; Alpha = 50 (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by Beta); Beta = 5 (assumption) Source was a study identified in the sponsor’s cost-effectiveness analysis [28]. The original source of the cost provided no additional information [39]
 Cost of Tegaderm CHG £6.21; value is fixed Published price of the most commonly used size of dressing: 8.5 cm × 11.5 cm (catalogue number 1657R)
 Cost of standard dressing £1.34; value is fixed The sponsor obtained this cost from their own prices for Tegaderm IV catalogue number 1635
 Number of days with catheter 10 days; normal distribution; standard error = 2 days (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by 5) Source was a study identified in the sponsor’s cost-effectiveness analysis [28]. The original source of the value provided no additional information [40]
 Number of dressings 3; normal distribution; standard error = 0.3 (calculated in Excel sheet as mean divided by 10) Estimate was a conservative assumption based on to Tegaderm CHG Instructions for Use and expert opinion

CHG chlorhexidine gluconate, CRBSI catheter-related bloodstream infection, ICU intensive care unit, NHS National Health Service, RCT randomised control trial