Figure 3.
α-Rab3-GEF immunostaining reveals Rab3-GEF protein at the NMJ and in ventral nerve cord cell bodies and neuropil. A, Images of NMJs immunostained with α-Rab3-GEF (green) and α-Brp (magenta) from CS and rab3-GEFSC225/Df(1)ED7289 mutant larvae. Inset, Magnified view of boxed region, indicating partial overlap of α-Rab3-GEF and α-Brp signal but little colocalization. Scale bars: lower-magnification images, 2 µm; higher-magnification inset, 1 µm. B, Image of a single bouton of a WT NMJ expressing UAS-rab3-YFP (magenta) driven by the dvglutNMJX-Gal4 driver and costained with α-Rab3-GEF (green) and α-Brp (blue). Scale bar, 1 µm. C, Single optical sections of ventral nerve cords from CS and rab3-GEFSC225/Df(1)ED7289 mutant larvae immunostained with α-Rab3-GEF (green) and α-Brp (magenta). In WT brains, Rab3-GEF immunostaining is prominent in the neuropil, as well as in the surrounding neuronal cell bodies visualized by cytosolic Rab3-GEF surrounding immuno-negative nuceli. Scale bar, 20 µm.