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. 2016 Jan 13;16:3. doi: 10.1186/s12893-016-0119-4

Table 1.

Clinicopathological characteristics according to normal or abnormal ABGs

Group Patients Normal ABG Abnormal ABG p value
(n = 269) (n = 145)
Age (years) <70 233 164 69 0.009
≥70 181 105 76
Gender Male 250 159 91 0.469
Female 164 110 54
BMI (Kg/m2) 22.2 ± 3.2 22.0 ± 3.4 0.539
Smoking History Yes 261 165 96 0.326
No 153 104 49
PS 0-1 384 250 134 0.844
2 30 19 11
H–J classification 1-2 401 261 140 0.792
3 13 8 5
Predicted post PFTsa) ≥40 383 253 130 0.105
<40 31 16 15
Histology Ad 302 203 99 0.326
Sq 99 57 42
Others 13 9 4
Differentiation Well 133 87 46 0.898
Mod/poor 281 182 99
p-stage IA 233 160 73 0.068
IB 181 109 72
Location Rt. upper 133 89 44 0.815
Rt. middle 28 17 11
Rt. lower 86 59 27
Lt. upper 92 57 35
Lt. lower 74 46 28
Surgical procedure Lobectomy 405 265 140 0.197
Bilobectomy 9 4 5
Blood loss (g) 125 ± 141 137 ± 143 0.234
Operative time (min) 192 ± 65 203 ± 67 0.483
Adjuvant therapy Yes 53 29 24 0.099
No 361 240 121

ad adenocarcinoma; BMI body mass index; p-stage pathological stage; sq squamous carcinoma

aPredicted postoperative values of FEV1.0 or DLCO <40 % are defined as high-risk results of pulmonary function tests