Fig. 1.
Gene expression analysis of p38α-deficient satellite cells and C2C12 cells treated with SB203580 (SB). a Satellite cells and C2C12 myoblasts were cultured in growth medium (GM) until subconfluent and then shifted to differentiation medium (DM) at the indicated time points. (left) Representative pictures of WT and p38α-deficient satellite cells 24 and 48 h in DM, and relative expression levels of differentiation-specific genes Myog and Myh1 analyzed by qPCR. (right) Activation of p38 was analyzed in both cells types by Western Blot using an anti-phospho-p38 antibody and expression of p38α in satellite cells derived from WT, and p38α-deficient mice was analyzed by qPCR (right panel). b Volcano plot showing differentially expressed genes in p38α-deficient versus WT satellite cells in GM, and DM for 24 h (top and middle panel, respectively) and in SB-treated C2C12 cells versus untreated (bottom panel). Downregulated and upregulated genes are marked in green and red, respectively. c Gene ontology (GO) analysis of differentially expressed genes in p38α-deficient satellite cells over WT at 24 h DM was performed using DAVID. Enriched GO annotations of downregulated and upregulated genes are shown in green and red, respectively. d As in (c) GO analysis of differentially expressed genes in C2C12 myoblasts (SB-treated versus untreated) at 24 h in DM. e Non-proportional 2-way Venn diagram comparing the effect in gene expression of p38α-deficient satellite cells at 24 h in DM (over WT) with the effect of chemical inhibition of p38α in C2C12 cells (SB treated over untreated). Only 102 and 169 genes are commonly upregulated and downregulated, respectively. f As in (d) GO analysis of genes that are commonly upregulated and downregulated in both C2C12 cells treated or not with SB and in satellite cells after 24 h in DM. g Comparison between expression arrays performed in C2C12 cells treated with SB203580 at 24 and 48 h in DM. The non-proportional 2-way Venn diagrams show the number of upregulated and downregulated genes in C2C12 cells treated with SB203580 over untreated cells. h Comparison between expression arrays performed in C2C12 cells treated with SB203580 (24 and 48 h DM) and p38α-deficient satellite cells