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. 2016 Mar 15;11(3):e0150939. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150939

Table 4. Average and total lifetime cost (US $) of Annual Unintentional Fall-Related Injuries Resulting in Death, Hospitalization or an Emergency Department Visit in the U.S. by age-groups, 2010*.

Death Hospitalization Emergency Department Visits
Age-groups Average Cost c ($) Total Costa d ($,000) Average Cost c ($) Total Costa d ($,000) Average Cost c ($) Total Costa d ($,000) Total Cost of Fall-related Injuries a e ($,000) Population in Each Age-group (2010) b Cost of Fall-Related Injury per Person f (Total Cost/Person, $)
18–24 1,887,705 356,776 181,949 2,938,802 6,575 4,011,673 7,307,251 30,672,088 238.24
25–34 1,908,136 570,533 183,753 5,159,815 6,648 5,296,202 11,026,550 41,063,948 268.52
35–44 1,550,187 764,242 197,013 7,781,336 6,938 5,179,236 13,724,814 41,070,606 334.18
45–54 1,083,457 1,390,075 185,623 14,988,049 7,107 6,349,632 22,727,756 45,006,716 504.99
55–64 600,934 1,208,478 117,596 12,362,819 5,783 4,321,450 17,892,747 36,482,729 490.44
65–74 275,964 824,580 84,523 12,305,483 4,895 2,740,821 15,870,884 21,713,429 730.92
75+ 109,387 2,041,268 61,866 17,218,034 4,107 2,746,470 22,005,772 18,554,555 1186.00
All Adults (18+) 276,036 7,155,952 104,909 72,754,338 6,102 30,645,484 110,555,774 234,564,071 471.32

* Data extracted from WISQARS

a In thousands

b Census data from 2010

c Average lifetime cost of fall-related injury that resulted in death, hospitalization or emergency department visit, respectively

d Total lifetime cost of fall-related injury that resulted in death, hospitalization or emergency department visit, respectively (average cost * number of injuries)

e Total cost of fall-related injuries (sum of the total lifetime cost of fall-related injury that resulted in death, hospitalization or emergency department visit

f Lifetime cost of fall-related injury per person (Total cost of fall-related injuries in an age group ÷ total population in the age group)