Immunostaining images show DCX+ neuroblast (red) and nuclei (DAPI, blue) of tissue sections at the transverse plane. Schematic coronal brain section indicates the gP6 implantation track and locations of A-C, D-E tissue sections respectively. gP6 implant boundary is marked by dotted line. (A) gP6 implant in LV, bottom right part of the outermost scaffold layer is in direct contact with SVZ. Insert enlarges the box region showing neuroblast process across the entire scaffold layer. (B) Neuroblasts migrate along the scaffold surface/inter-layer gap and (C) processes infiltrating into the scaffold layers. Neuroblasts are identified in deeper sections of the gP6 implants either (D) within the scaffold or (E) close to implant in the LSV. LV: lateral ventricle, LSI: lateral septal nucleus, intermediate part, LSV: lateral septal nucleus, ventral part. Scale bars represent 20 μm for all images.