Baclofen-induced inhibition of firing is reduced in VTA DA neurons after 5 d METH injections. A, B, Current-clamp recordings showing firing induced with a 200 pA current injection before (black trace) and after (blue trace) addition of 300 μm baclofen. Recordings are from a GFP+ VTA DA neuron in a Pitx3-GFP+/− mouse injected with 5 d saline (0.9%) (A) or 5 d METH (2 mg/kg) (B) in a novel environment. Input–output plots show the increase in spike number with increasing amplitude current injections for 5 d saline- (C) or 5 d METH (D)-injected mice before (black) and after baclofen (blue) exposure. E, Percentage baclofen-dependent inhibition of firing for VTA DA neurons from 5 d saline and 5 d METH groups (*p < 0.05 Student's unpaired one-tailed t test, n = 17–29). F, Input–output plot for VTA DA neuron firing in control mice (TH-Cre, n = 6) showing no decrement in spiking over 3 min of recording.