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. 2015 Oct 7;41(5):1286–1296. doi: 10.1038/npp.2015.278

Table 1. Participant Characteristics.

  Oxytocin (n=24) Placebo (n=20) Statistics
N—included in fMRI analyses 19 18  
Males (n (%)) 9 (37.5%) 9 (45%) χ2=0.25, df=1, p=0.61
Age (years) 29.5 (11.4) 32.3 (11.5) t42=−0.82, p=0.42
Current smoker (n (%)) 1 (4%) 3 (15%) χ2=1.55, df=1, p=0.21
Type of trauma     χ2=2.31, df=3, p=0.51
Motor vehicle traffic accident (n (%)) 12 (50%) 14 (70%)  
Accident at work/home (n (%)) 5 (21%) 3 (15%)  
Interpersonal trauma (n (%)) 6 (25%) 3 (15%)  
Other (n (%)) 1 (4%) 0 (0%)  
Childhood trauma (ETI total) 5.2 (4.4) 5.2 (3.6) t42=−0.11, p=0.92
Days between trauma and scan session 8.8 (1.3) 8.0 (2.8) t42=−0.30, p=0.77
MINI lifetime PTSD (n (%)) 6 (26.1%) 1 (5%) χ2=3.49, df=1, p=0.06
MINI lifetime MDD (n (%)) 6 (25%) 6 (30%) χ2=0.14, df=1, p=0.71
MINI lifetime alcohol/substance dependence (n (%)) 1 (4.2%) 1 (5.0%) χ2=0.02, df=1, p=0.90
MINI lifetime psychotic disorder (n (%)) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) NA
MINI lifetime bipolar disorder (n (%)) 1 (4.2%) 1 (5%) χ2=0.02, df=1, p=0.90
CAPS total 45.1 (21.2) 39.1 (16.9) t42=1.02, p=0.32
CAPS re-experiencing 19.2 (9.9) 13.5 (7.9) t42=2.09, p=0.04
CAPS avoidance 9.9 (7.7) 10.8 (5.3) t42=−0.43, p=0.67
CAPS hyperarousal 16.0 (8.1) 14.9 (8.0) t42=0.47, p=0.64

Abbreviations: CAPS, Clinical Administered PTSD Scale; ETI, Early Trauma Inventory; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Demographic and clinical variables (±SD) for the oxytocin and placebo group assessed at the pre-intervention appointment. Statistically significant group differences (p<0.05) are in boldface.