Figure 2. Dendrogram solution for Nesomyrmex angulatus species group.
Sample information in the dendrogram follows the given format: final species hypothesis confirmed by cross-validation LDA is followed by CASENT number separated by a hyphen. Final species hypothesis bar shows classification of samples after confirmation by cross-validated LDA. Different colors represent species. Nesomyrmex angulatus (Mayr, 1862): yellow, N. bidentatus sp. n.: red, N. clypeatus sp. n.: lilac, N. devius sp. n.: light blue, N. exiguus sp. n.: grey, N. fragilis sp. n.: green, N. gracilis sp. n.: dark blue, N. hirtellus sp. n.: brown. Prior species hypothesis was generated by method PART using two clustering methods, hclust (‘part-hclust’) and kmeans (‘part-kmeans’). Color code is the same as above, but outliers returned by ‘part-hclust’ appear in black.