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. 2016 Mar 15;17:8. doi: 10.1186/s12867-016-0060-1

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Resolution of the assay. a Amplification curves obtained with control primer pair 1 (dashed lines) or control primer pair 2 (solid lines) and different copy numbers of both templates present in equimolar ratio shown as means of triplicates performed in independent experiments with similar results (n = 5). The corresponding standard curves are shown on the right. Correlation coefficient (R 2), slope (M), y-intercept (B) and amplification efficiencies (E) calculated with the equation E = 10−1/M are indicated. b Copies obtained in different reactions (x) with control primer pair 1 or control primer pair 2 at different template concentrations were calculated using the equation: copies=N0XN0con2·108=2Cqz·logEzlog2-Cqx·logExlog2·108 with Cqz and Ez = Cq and E values obtained with control primer pair 2 and 108 introduced copies. The efficiencies introduced into the equation were obtained either from the comparative quantitation tool of the Rotorgene software (red columns) or the standard curves shown in A (blue columns). Dark columns represent reactions using control primer pair 2, light columns control primer 1. Mean values ± SE of five independent experiments each performed in triplicate are presented