AHR hyper-activation increases expression of stem cell-associated genes. Hs578T cells were treated with vehicle or 0.5 μM FICZ for 48 hours, sorted into ALDHhigh and ALDHlow cell populations, and then assayed by RT-qPCR for the relative levels of the eight stem cell-associated genes indicated. Gene expression was then normalized to Gapdh levels and fold-change from vehicle-treated ALDHlow or ALDHhigh cells was calculated. Data from nine independent experiments are presented as the mean fold-change ± standard error for all genes except for Cyp1a1, in which six independent experiments are presented. In all cases, statistical significance was determined with the Wilcoxon rank sum test to determine if the distributions of results, relative to 1 as the standard (represented by the dotted line on each graph), are different between the comparison groups. Asterisks indicate a significant increase in the mRNA fold-change, *P <0.05, **P <0.01, ***P <0.005. (a) Expression levels of stem cell-associated genes were normalized to expression levels in vehicle-treated ALDHlow cells and the distribution of outcomes from vehicle-treated ALDHhigh versus vehicle-treated ALDHlow cells compared. (b) Stem cell-associated gene expression levels were normalized to expression levels in vehicle-treated ALDHlow cells and the distribution of outcomes from vehicle-treated ALDHlow versus FICZ-treated ALDHlow cells was compared. (c) Stem cell-associated gene expression levels were normalized to expression levels in vehicle-treated ALDHhigh cells and the distribution of outcomes from vehicle-treated ALDHhigh versus FICZ-treated ALDHhigh cells was compared