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. 2015 Dec 5;128(23):3125–3131. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.170267

Table 3.

Comparisons between high-bilirubin and low-bilirubin patients in this study

Parameters High-bilirubin (n = 29) Low-bilirubin (n = 48) Statistical values P
Female 14 (47) 27 (56) 0.346
Age (years) 55 ± 14 58 ± 11 −0.257* 0.798
WHO Functional Class
 WHO FC I–II 11 (38) 26 (54) 0.239
 WHO FC III–IV 18 (62) 22 (46)
 ALT (U/L) 26.4 (16.0, 34.0) 28.0 (18.3, 30.0) 689.5 0.945
 AST (U/L) 31.6 (21.0, 39.0) 28.3 (17.3, 33.0) 540.0 0.101
 GGT (U/L) 97.3 (44.5, 131.0) 67.4 (34.5, 79.3) 460.0 0.013
 Uric acid (mmol/L) 377 ± 180 354 ± 115 –0.974* 0.335
 NT-proBNP (pg/ml) 2872 (730, 4665) 1776 (649, 2761) 521.5 0.067
Hemodynamic and exercise capacity
 6MWD 262 ± 98 358 ± 90 4.410* 0.000
 CVP (mmHg) 10.8 ± 6.0 7.1 ± 4.4 −2.815* 0.000
 sPAP (mmHg) 91 ± 17 84 ± 17 −1.322* 0.190
 mPAP (mmHg) 52 ± 11 49 ± 10 −1.326* 0.189
 PVR (woods units) 16.35 ± 7.61 13.08 ± 5.23 −2.073* 0.042

Data are shown as n (%), mean ± SD or median (IQR). P values were calculated by independent samples t-test, Mann–Whitney U-test or Fisher’s exact test. Hyperbilirubinemia means a serum concentration of total bilirubin ≥23.7 μmol/L, and normal bilirubinemia means a serum concentration of total bilirubin <23.7 μmol/L. *t values; U values. WHO FC: World Health Organization functional class; ALT: Alanine transaminase; AST: Aspartate transaminase; GGT: Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; NT-proBNP: N-terminal pro-peptide of brain natriuretic peptide; 6WMD: 6-min walk distance; CVP: Central venous pressure; sPAP: Systolic pulmonary artery pressure; mPAP: Medium pulmonary artery pressure; PVR: Pulmonary vascular resistance; IQR: Interquartile range; SD: Standard deviation.