Table 4.
Operative data and overall perioperative outcomes in patients with BDI after LC
Patient Number | LCG | Time | Type of BDI | Convert | Surgeon level | Management | Complication | Hospital stay (days) | Outcomes |
1 | Grade 2 | Selective | Right hepatic duct | Yes | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 28 | Recovery |
2 | Grade 2 | Selective | Aberrant bile duct | Yes | Senior | Primary closure | II | 7 | Recovery |
3 | Grade 3 | Selective | Partial CBD | No | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 21 | Recovery |
4 | Grade 1 | Selective | Partial CBD | Yes | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 23 | Recovery |
5 | Grade 1 | Selective | Partial CBD | Yes | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 30 | Recovery |
6 | Grade 3 | Selective | Partial CBD | Yes | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 7 | Recovery |
7 | Grade 3 | Emergency | Complete CBD | Yes | Fellow | RYH | II | 8 | Recovery |
8 | Grade 2 | Selective | Complete CBD | Yes | Senior | RYH | II | 17 | Recovery |
9 | Grade 1 | Selective | CBD perforation | No, SS | Senior | SS to RYH | IVb | 158 | Recovery |
10 | Grade 1 | Emergency | CBD stricture | No | Fellow | Conservative treatment | II | 5 | Recovery |
11 | Grade 3 | Emergency | Partial CHD | Yes | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 8 | Recovery |
12 | Grade 3 | Selective | Partial CHD | Yes | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 14 | Recovery |
13 | Grade 2 | Selective | Right hepatic duct | Yes | Senior | Primary closure + T-tube | II | 8 | Recovery |
14 | Grade 1 | Selective | Bile leakage | No, SS | Senior | SS to lavage and drainage | IIIb | 26 | Recovery |
15 | Grade 2 | Selective | Bile leakage | No | Senior | Conservative treatment | IIIa | 15 | Recovery |
16 | Grade 1 | Selective | Bile leakage | No | Resident | Conservative treatment | IIIa | 7 | Recovery |
17 | Grade 1 | Selective | Bile leakage | No | Senior | Conservative treatment | IIIa | 14 | Recovery |
18 | Grade 1 | Selective | Bile duct bleeding | No | Senior | Conservative treatment | IIIa | 9 | Recovery |
19 | Grade 2 | Selective | Bile duct bleeding | No | Senior | Conservative treatment | IIIa | 7 | Recovery |
20 | Grade 2 | Selective | Bile duct bleeding | No | Senior | Conservative treatment | IIIa | 8 | Recovery |
CHD: Common hepatic duct; CBD: Common bile duct; BDI: Bile duct injury; LCG: Laparoscopic cholecystitis grading; LC: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy; SS: Secondary surgery; RYH: Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy.