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. 2016 Feb 25;1(2):e84897. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.84897

Figure 2. Increased acetylation of mitochondrial proteins in failing human heart.

Figure 2

(A) Heat map of the acetylproteomics data set representing the log2-transformed value of mitochondrial acetyl isoforms from cardiac biopsies of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) patients (n = 5) or nonfailing (NF) controls (n = 5). Acetylation events were normalized to corresponding protein abundance. The horizontal data lines represent the normalized value for each patient relative to the mean value across all 10 samples. The color coding indicates the direction and magnitude of the normalized log2-transformed value for each detected acetyl form, blue indicates low and red indicates high, in each patient sample. (B) All detected acetylated mitochondrial proteins were individually rank ordered according to the log2 fold change in mean protein abundance (DCM/NF) along the x axis (blue circles). The log2 fold change between DCM and NF controls of each detected acetyl isoform (red squares, normalized to corresponding protein abundance) is plotted on the y axis in the same position on the x axis as the corresponding protein. The dashed line represents no change in acetylation level.