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. 2016 Mar 18;16:57. doi: 10.1186/s12884-016-0843-x

Table 1.

Fertility rates (years 2000 and 2012) and fertility rate trends (2000 to 2012) among adolescents between 10 and 14 years of age in Brazilian regions and states

Fertility rate per 1,000 Fertility rate trend 2000 to 2012
2000 2012 APCa APC CI 95 % r2 Trend
BRAZIL 3.38 3.29 0.15 −1.48 1.80 0.88 -
Distrito Federalb 2.86 2.05 −2.82 −4.38 −1.24 0.83 Decrease
NORTH 5.46 5.85 1.05 −0.15 2.27 0.88 -
 Acre 7.42 7.11 0.84 −0.19 1.88 0.58 -
 Amapá 6.70 5.63 −0.48 −2.16 1.18 0.04 -
 Amazonasb 5.57 7.05 2.49 1.33 3.67 0.73 Increase
 Pará 4.89 5.56 1.34 −0.36 3.08 0.89 -
 Rondônia 4.72 3.50 −1.54 −3.14 0.10 0.40 -
 Roraima 10.86 8.77 −1.93 −3.92 0.11 0.06 -
 Tocantins 6.20 5.00 1.26 −3.32 0.87 0.88 -
NORTHEAST 3.72 4.07 1.21 −0.42 2.86 0.83 -
 Alagoas 4.80 5.63 1.86 −0.85 4.64 0.72 -
 Bahiab 3.39 3.84 1.65 0.07 3.25 0.74 Increase
 Ceará 3.54 3.56 0.57 −1.70 2.90 0.77 -
 Maranhão 3.94 4.98 2.42 −0.04 4.94 0.55 -
 Paraíba 3.22 3.51 1.01 −0.32 2.35 0.42 -
 Pernambuco 3.83 4.07 0.68 −1.21 2.60 0.79 -
 Piauí 3.83 3.55 0.18 −1.56 1.94 0.52 -
 Rio Grande do Norte 4.30 3.83 −0.60 −3.91 2.83 0.76 -
 Sergipe 3.87 3.86 1.03 −2.10 4.25 0.65 -
MIDWESTb 4.26 3.41 −1.59 −2.92 −0.24 0.95 Decrease
 Goiás 3.69 3.07 −1.25 −3.09 0.63 0.87 -
 Mato Grossob 5.27 3.99 −1.70 −2.75 −0.63 0.88 Decrease
 Mato Grosso do Sul 5.54 4.86 −0.50 −1.91 0.92 0.78 -
SOUTHEAST 2.54 2.24 −0.64 −2.83 1.60 0.74 -
 Espírito Santo 2.96 2.73 −0.35 −3.47 2.86 0.64 -
 Minas Gerais 1.99 1.94 0.08 −1.66 1.85 0.64 -
 Rio de Janeirob 3.60 2.81 −1.90 −3.37 −0.42 0.89 Decrease
 São Paulo 2.41 2.13 −0.38 −3.02 2.34 0.61 -
SOUTHb 3.15 2.45 −1.59 −3.04 −0.12 0.88 Decrease
 Paraná 3.32 2.93 −0.77 −2.22 0.70 0.85 -
 Rio Grande do Sulb 3.39 2.14 −2.76 −3.84 −1.68 0.72 Decrease
 Santa Catarina 2.41 2.13 −0.71 −2.87 1.51 0.80 -

aAPC = annual percent change

bSignificant at level 0.05