Figure 4.
(A) A schematic of pVIc sliding on DNA in the presence of DAPI; DAPI is in dynamic equilibrium between DNA bound and unbound states. (B) The DAPI effect on D1 of pVIc in 2 mM NaCl buffer at pH 7.4. (C) The DAPI effect on total diffusion distance along λ-DNA, Δx. Dashed lines are linear trend lines. Cy3B was conjugated to Cys residues. The estimated Kd of DAPI to a 30mer ds-DNA is ∼13 nM (see Supplementary Figure S8A). See Supplementary Table S3 for D1 and Δx values. All the error bars are standard errors of the mean. At least 20 trajectories were analyzed to estimate each D1 value.