Figure 4.
Multi-TF promoters. After SELEX screening of regulatory targets for a number of TFs, multiple TFs were shown to bind the same promoters. (A) Promoter of the csgDEFG operon, which encodes CsgD, the master regulator of biofilm formation and the biofilm components CsgEFG. (B) Promoter of the flhDC operon, which encodes the master regulator of flagella formation. (C) Promoter of the gadE-mdtEF operon, which encodes the acid-stress response regulator and multi-drug efflux system proteins. (D) Promoter of the fimBE operon, which encodes the recombinase for fimbriae switching. TFs shown in blue indicate those hitherto listed in RegulonDB (29,30) and EcoCyc (31,32) whereas TFs shown in green were identified by this research team and published, but not listed in these databases: H-NS, RcdA and RcdB for the csgG promoter (2,32,76–77); and CpxR for the flhD promoter (2,32,78–79). TFs shown in orange are those identified by the SELEX screening (Ishihama, A., unpublished).