Figure 1. One-Way Sensitivity Analysis Showing the Optimal ASCVD Threshold as a function of Statin Price.
ASCVD indicates atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; QALY, quality-adjusted life-years. The optimal treatment threshold (using a cost-effectiveness threshold of $100 000/QALY) changes from ≥3.0% to ≥10.0% as statin price increases from $150/y to $1000/y (base-case value is $268/y). Optimal strategies are also shown for cost-effectiveness thresholds of $50 000/QALY and $150 000/QALY. No ASCVD treatment threshold was cost-effective for statin prices greater than $500/y using a cost-effectiveness threshold of $50 000/QALY. No ASCVD treatment threshold was cost-effective for statin prices greater than $1000/y using a cost-effectiveness threshold of $100 000/QALY.