Temporal neutrophil polarization in the infarcted LVs. (A) Representative flow cytometry plots illustrate gating strategy to identify neutrophil N1 and N2 phenotypes and CD206+ cells. (B) Although proinflammatory N1 was the predominant neutrophil in the infarcted LVs at all times examined, the percentage of anti-inflammatory N2 neutrophils increased over the course of MI. n = 6–12 per group. *P < 0.05 vs. Day 0 and #P < 0.05 vs. Day 1 post-MI. One-way ANOVA was used. (C) Dual immunofluorescence images revealed the presence of Ly-6G+CD206− N1 (green arrow, left panel), Ly-6G+CD206+ N2 (yellow arrow, left panel), Mac-3+CD206− M1 (green arrow, right panel), Mac-3+CD206+ M2 (yellow arrow, right panel), and CD206+ cells (red arrow) in day 5 infarcted LVs. Representative images of three to six biological samples.