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. 2016 Mar 18;11(3):e0150009. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150009

Table 3. Cross-Lagged Models: Fit Indices and Model Comparisons.

Model fit indices Model comparison
Models χSB2 df TLI CFI RMSEA [90% CI] Models ΔχSB2 Δdf p ΔCFI ΔRMSEA
Empathy, balanced relatedness, antisocial behaviors (A)
M1: Unconstrained 203.549 78 .934 .966 .057 [.047, .067]
M2: Constrained 252.832 114 .950 .962 .050 [.041, .058] M2-M1 49.65 36 .065 -.004 -.007
Empathy, balanced relatedness, antisocial behaviors (M)
M1: Unconstrained 270.151 78 .916 .956 .070 [.061, .080]
M2: Constrained 321.797 114 .938 .953 .061 [.053, .068] M2-M1 51.178 36 .048 -.003 -.009
Empathy, conflict, antisocial behaviors (A)
M1: Unconstrained 183.206 78 .951 .974 .052 [.042, .062]
M2: Constrained 243.469 114 .958 .968 .048 [.039, .056] M2-M1 60.622 36 .006 -.006 -.004
Empathy, conflict, antisocial behaviors (M)
M1: Unconstrained 245.237 78 .935 .966 .066 [.057, .075]
M2: Constrained 286.841 114 .954 .965 .055 [.047, .063] M2-M1 47.220 36 .100 -.001 -.011
Empathy, support, antisocial behaviors (A)
M1: Unconstrained 176.224 78 .953 .976 .050 [.040, .060]
M2: Constrained 230.516 114 .962 .971 .045 [.037, .054] M2-M1 55.793 36 .019 -.005 -.005
Empathy, support, antisocial behaviors (M)
M1: Unconstrained 242.510 78 .937 .967 .065 [.056, .075]
M2: Constrained 275.526 114 .958 .968 .053 [.045, .061] M2-M1 36.964 36 .424 .001 -.012

Note. A = adolescent report; M = maternal report. χ2 = Chi-Square; df = degrees of freedom; TLI = Tucker-Lewis Index; CFI = Comparative Fit Index; RMSEA = Root Mean Square Error of Approximation and 90% Confidence Interval; Δ = change in parameter. ΔχSB2 model comparisons are based on Satorra and Bentler’s (2001) scaled difference chi-square test statistic.