Figure 9. Extension of the Stochastic Switch Model to deterministic behaviors.
(A) Three functional circuit motifs for deterministic escape behavior initiated by the nociceptive neuron ASH. (B) Predicted steady-state probability of reversal behavior in the resting state and the activated state of the three motifs shown in A. Plotted values are means across the five wild type cohorts shown in Figure 1F. Error bars are ± sem. Numbers in parenthesis are predicted mean first latency to a reversal response. (C) Left, synaptic current in AVB when ASH was photoactivated (blue line). Right, mean synaptic current during the first 100 ms of the stimulus plotted against holding potential in AVB. The line is fit to the data at negative holding potentials. (D) Mean zero-current holding potential and mean reversal potential of synaptic currents (± sem) in AVB (paired t-test: p= 0.013, n = 4).