Fig. 6.
Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) tree based on Rogers’ genetic distance calculated from 362,008 SNPs of a 544 maize inbred lines consisting of 538 CMLs and 6 temperate inbred lines, b 72 selected Lowland Tropical CMLs with high importance, c 74 selected Subtropical/Mid-altitude CMLs with high importance and d 16 selected Highland Tropical CMLs with high importance. In Fig. 6a, subgroups are indicated with different colors; Lowland Tropical lines, Subtropical/Mid-altitude lines, Highland Tropical lines and Temperate lines are represented by black, red, blue and green, respectively. In Fig. 6b, c and d, CMLs assigned to different heterotic groups are indicated with a different color. CMLs from heterotic groups A, B and AB are represented by red, green and black, respectively. Heterotic group information was estimated based on pedigree information and combining ability tests through diallel crosses and line-by-tester analyses