Involvement of Rho/ROCK in permeability alteration and gap formation. A) Representative immunofluorescence images of HRECs stained for stress actin filaments in cells treated with CD beads or siRNA CD beads. Right panel demonstrates the quantitation of the stress actin filaments/cells. No difference was seen in cells treated with scrambled siRNA beads in comparison with CD beads. *P < 0.0001, significantly greater than cells grown in normal medium (Ctrl); **P = 0.0001, significantly less than cells grown in the presence of U937 Mϕ CD beads. B) RhoA activity was significantly increased in HRECs treated with CD beads. This response was dampened by siRNA CD beads or CD beads along with excess of M6P. OD, optical density. *P = 0.004, significantly greater than cells grown in Ctrl; **P = 0.003, significantly less than cells grown in CD beads; #P = 0.05, significantly less than cells grown in CD beads. C) Relative gene expression levels of ROCK2 normalized to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase as measured by real-time PCR. Data are means ± sd. *P = 0.007, significantly greater than cells grown in Ctrl; **P = 0.01, significantly less than cells grown in the presence of CD beads.