Renal panel serum biochemistry values trended toward phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) control values after intragastric cointoxication with Shiga toxin 1a (Stx1a) as compared to intoxication with Stx2a alone. A, Intragastric intoxication with Stx2a significantly increased the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) values as compared to those in the PBS-treated control (P < .0001, by the t test). Cointoxication with 5.8 or 58 µg of Stx1a resulted in significantly lower BUN values (P < .016). Cointoxication with 29 µg of Stx1a significantly lowered the BUN values, compared with Stx2a alone (P < .0001), and resulted in BUN values equivalent to those for control mice (P = .973). B, Administration of Stx2a significantly increased the creatinine level above that for PBS-treated control mice (P = .0023, by the t test). Cointoxication with Stx1a resulted in a decrease of creatinine values toward control levels. C, The sodium levels significantly decreased after Stx2a intoxication, compared with those in PBS-treated controls (P = .0013, by the t test). Cointoxication with Stx1a resulted in a trend toward normal sodium values, with the greatest effect seen in the group that received 29 µg. D, Stx2a neutrophil gelatinase associated-lipocalin (NGAL) levels were significantly elevated, compared with those in PBS-treated controls, as measured by the t test (P = .019). There was no significant difference between the Stx2a group and any of the cointoxicated groups (0.274); however, when compared to the PBS-treated controls, NGAL values in all groups were significantly elevated (P < .03), except after cointoxication with Stx2a and 29 µg Stx1a, which resulted in NGAL values equivalent to those of control mice (P = .53). Serum was collected 3 days after intoxication. Each symbol represents an individual animal; the black bar represents the median value of the group. The dotted line represents the median value of the PBS-treated control group. The statistical difference between the PBS and Stx2a recipients was determined by a 2-tailed t test. The difference between the Stx2a and the cointoxicated groups was determined by 1-way analysis of variance. *P < .0001 and **P < .016.