Fig. 1. Regions of interest for behavioral domains and summary of behavioral effects in rodent models of PAE.
Primary areas of the rodent brain that have been implicated in social, affective, and cognitive behaviors across species are reviewed in Figs. 2–7. These regions may make unique targets for PAE, especially regions implicated in more than one class of behaviors (indicated by double-color shading). The tables summarize the overall conclusion of the effect of PAE on behavioral domains reviewed, based on the three most prominent exposure timelines utilized. NT = not tested, MO = primary motor area, SS = somatosensory area, VIS = primary visual cortex, AUD = auditory cortex, AI = agranular insular cortex, OFC = orbital frontal cortex, mPFC = medial prefrontal cortex, SC = spinal cord, CB = cerebellum, HPF = hippocampal formation, STR = striatum, AMG = amygdala.