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. 2015 Dec 16;4(2):143–151. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.187

Table 2.

CNV detection rate per gene and predicted outcomes.

A. Genes with CNVs identified in cardiomyopathy patients
Gene Number of patients tested Number of patients with clinically significant CNVs CNV type Predicted outcome of CNV Known disease mechanism of variants in gene for cardiomyopathy
EMD 904 1 Whole gene dup Unknown LOF
GLA 1252 1 Whole gene dup Unknown LOF
LAMP2 1361 2 Whole gene dup, Intragenic del Unknown, LOF LOF
LMNA 922 1 Intragenic del LOF LOF
MYBPC3 1379 1 Intragenic del LOF LOF
MYOZ2 1252 1 Intragenic dup LOF Unknown
NEXN 1361 1 Whole gene dup Unknown Unknown
PKP2 841 2 Whole gene dup, Intragenic del LOF, LOF LOF
TAZ 922 1 Whole gene dup Unknown LOF
TTN 904 1 Intragenic dup LOF LOF
B. Genes with no CNVs identified in cardiomyopathy patients
Gene Number of patients tested Gene Number of patients tested
ABCC9 904 MYH6 795
ACTC1 1379 MYH7 1379
ACTN2 1361 MYL2 1252
ANKRD1 795 MYL3 1252
CASQ2 859 MYLK2 795
CAV3 795 PLN 1361
CRYAB 795 PRKAG2 1252
CSRP3 1361 RBM20 904
CTF1 904 RYR2 841
DES 904 SGCD 904
DSC2 841 TCAP 904
DSG2 841 TMEM43 841
DSP 841 TNNC1 1361
DTNA 813 TNNI3 1361
FHL2 795 TNNT2 1379
JUP 841 TPM1 1361
LAMA4 795 TTR 1252
LDB3 922 VCL 922

dup, duplication; del, deletion; LOF, loss of function; GOF, gain of function.