Figure 2. tra, but not tra2, controls intrinsic sex differences in adult ISC proliferation.
a, Mitoses (top graph) and intestinal progenitor area (bottom graph) in flies exposed to control (sucrose, S) or damage-inducing (DSS) diets, in both controls and flies with adult ISC/EB-restricted tra downregulation or mis-expression. Representative images are shown below the graphs (DNA: DAPI, in blue; ISC/EB marker: GFP, in green). b, Comparable quantifications of the Sxl downregulation phenotypes in females, and their rescue by re-expression of traF. c, Clone size quantifications (in arbitrary units of GFP fluorescence, see Methods) reveal that tra null mutant MARCM clones are smaller than control clones only in females. d, No significant differences in ISC proliferation in the midguts of DSS-treated males or females lacking tra2 (tra2B/Df(2R)trix), or lacking tra2 specifically in adults (achieved by shifting flies with the thermosensitive allele tra2ts1 from 18°C to 29°C in the adult stage), vs controls. n denotes the number of midguts (a, e, f), ISCs/EBs (b, d), mitoses (c) or clones (g) that were analysed for each genotype. Results combined from at least two independent experiments. See Supplementary Information for full genotypes.