mRNA Expression of DVL1 and DVL3 Transcripts in Robinow Syndrome
(A) Chromatograms display Sanger sequencing results of cloned cDNA transcripts in BAB8062 (DVL1) and BAB4569 (DVL3). Mutant and reference alleles were cloned and sequenced independently for confirming mutant mRNA expression.
(B) Depiction of the relative change in gene expression according to a TaqMan gene-expression assay for DVL1 and DVL3 with exon-spanning probes Hs00737028_m1 and Hs00610263_m1, respectively. For evaluating relative expression, the ΔΔct method19 was used with TBP as the endogenous control and unaffected individual BAB8063 as the control subject.