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. 2016 Mar 17;6(3):e008671. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008671

Table 3.

Healthcare costs for patients eligible for E2 medicines by year, 2006–2012

Costs for patients eligible for E2 medicines (median (IQR)) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Annual healthcare expenditures* (median (IQR))
 Total healthcare costs $67 515 ($12 592, $218 725) $87 706 ($12 990, $235 668) $55 749 ($12 990, $235 668) $72 184 ($16 252, $215 144) $65 123 ($19 521, $263 784) $70 275 ($22 946, $239 868)
 All medicines $54 992 ($10 648, $150 343) $68 572 ($21 788, $205 104) $44 395 ($13 716, $120 051) $50 522 ($16 829, $157 273) $49 170 ($17 773, $143 529) $53 037 ($9067, $134 231)
 E2 medicines $50 787 ($10 327, $127 922) $63 862 ($21 223, $172 328) $40 628 ($13 346, $104 496) $44 931 ($14 457, $134 761) $44 831 ($17 363, $119 392) $48 176 ($8827, $111 810)
 Non-E2 medicines $4410 ($283, $23 799) $5173 ($321, $22 420) $3410 ($369, $17 548) $5387 ($371, $22 512) $4219 ($409, $24 136) $5186 ($565, $25 574)
 Other costs $12 250 ($2352, $40 202) $20 713 ($2341, $45 206) $10 657 ($1770, $34 254) $21 661 ($2786, $64 862) $15 963 ($2572, $59 841) $16 913 ($2175, $61 997)
Expenditures per patient* (median (IQR))
 Number of eligible patients 273 301 315 362 371 402
 Total healthcare costs $4180 ($2033, $9100) $4391 ($2323, $8216) $3192 ($1385, $6250) $3267 ($1340, $6359) $3361 ($1544, $7085) $3197 ($1248, $6198)
 All medicines $3326 ($1278, $5959) $3244 ($1899, $6704) $2314 ($1031, $4830) $2365 ($1092, $4799) $2389 ($1232, $5168) $2291 ($1175, $5539)
 E2 medicines† $3083 ($1081, $4660) $3193 ($1111, $5233) $2102 ($1031, $4164) $2180 ($1139, $4300) $2167 ($951, $4108) $2071 ($1081, $4660)
 Non-E2 medicines $314 ($50, $911) $311 ($64, $784) $254 ($49, $856) $196 ($49, $700) $266 ($43, $808) $220 ($40, $741)
 Other costs $854 ($269, $1793) $914 ($277, $1554) $878 ($158, $1359) $902 ($133, $1442) $980 ($133, $1432) $916 ($103, $1330)

*(US$, year 2014 value).

†Central procurement prices were used to calculate costs of E2 medicines after policy implementation.