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. 2016 Feb 1;10(2):OC13–OC17. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/17721.7216


Demographic and disease characteristics of study population.

Variables N = 255£
Baseline characteristics
Age (in years) 63.85 ± 9.71
Male gender 255 (100%)
BMI (Kg / m2) 21.60 ± 4.08
Age of onset of COPD (in years) 57.26 ± 8.62
Duration of illness (in years) 6.64 ± 4.92
Smoking (pack years) 32.57 ± 15.59
History of alcohol intake (past / current)£ 47 (28.3%)
Presence of atleast one co-morbid condition£ 122 (73.5%)
Baseline saturation (SPO2) during stable disease (%) 94.30 ± 3.92
Baseline exercise capacity (MMRC grade)£
Grade 1 1 (0.6%)
Grade 2 14 (8.4%)
Grade 3 99 (59.6%)
Grade 4 52 (31.3%)
Characteristics during hospital stay for AECOPD
History of fever 46 (18.0%)
Sputum purulence 106 (41.6%)
Increased of sputum quantity 154 (60.4%)
Anthonisen’s type of AECOPD
Type 1 71 (27.8%)
Type 2 108 (42.4%)
Type 3 76 (29.8%)
Presence of features of right heart failure 26 (10.2%)
Saturation at the time of admission 87.07 ± 14.14
Positive isolate in sputum culture 50 (19.6%)

£ A total of 166 patients with COPD had 255 admissions for acute exacerbation.