A. The experimental timeline is shown. Valganciclovir (VGCV)-treated chow was used for 6 weeks. One week later, mice were implanted with electrodes, and approximately a week later, ethosuximide (Etx) was injected, followed by KA after 30 min. Sample sizes are as follows: 20 mg/kg, n = 7/group; 25 mg/kg, n = 3/group. In this figure and all others, sz = seizures.
B. Representative traces from a GFAP-TK− and a GFAP-TK+ mouse (20 mg/kg KA) show that convulsive seizures (arrows) occurred sooner and more often in the GFAP-TK+ mouse.
C. Dividing the 3 hrs after KA into 15 min-long bins shows that GFAP-TK+ mice had more convulsive seizures (stages 3–5, Racine, 1972). Each row is for a different mouse. Right: Colors are used to indicate the number of convulsive seizures/bin, ranging from 0 (blue) to 8 (red). After an animal died there are no more bins shown for that animal.
D. 1–2. GFAP-TK+ mice that were administered 20 mg/kg KA had a shorter latency to the first convulsive seizure but not the first nonconvulsive seizure. 3. GFAP-TK+ mice had a greater number of convulsive seizures and fewer nonconvulsive seizures. 4. When all convulsive seizure durations were summed, the total duration was greater in GFAP-TK+ mice. The total duration of nonconvulsive seizures was shorter in GFAP-TK+ mice. For this figure and all other figures, two asterisks reflect a main effect of reducing adult neurogenesis by two-way ANOVA and significance by post-hoc test (p<0.05). A single asterisk indicates there was a significant main effect of suppressing adult neurogenesis but the post-hoc comparison did not reach significance.