A) PTBP1 domain structure (top) and splice graph from
cerebellum data (bottom) highlighting approximate locations of known
alternatively spliced linker region (
dark grey) encoded
by exon 13 (exon 9 in the literature), the novel PTC introducing exon 14
(red stop sign in protein, green exon in splice graph), and the known PTC
upon exclusion of exon 16 (exon 11 in the literature). (
UCSC genome browser view with sequence alignment and placental mammalian
conservation. Novel exon 14 is highlighted in blue and boxed regions
correspond to conservation of 3’ and 5’ splice sites and the in frame
PTCs. (
C) Locations of additional primers with RT-PCR from
replicate cerebellum RNA. (
D) UCSC genome browser view
showing conserved Rbfox binding sites ([U]GCAUG) and brain RNA-seq reads
from wild type one month old mice (top) and
Rbfox1 KO
littermates (bottom) corresponding to experiments quantified in
Figure 6E. Exon 14 location is
highlighted in blue. (
E) MAJIQ Ψ quantification of junctions
as illustrated in (
C) from one month old wild type mice
(top) and
Rbfox2 KO littermates (bottom).