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. 2016 Mar 8;183(7):599–608. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwv274

Table 1.

Characteristics of Study Participants at Baseline and Follow-up, by Race/Ethnicity, Bogalusa Heart Study, 2000–2010

Characteristica Whites (n = 342)
Blacks (n = 104)
P Valueb Total (n = 446)
Mean (SD) % Mean (SD) % Mean (SD) %
 Age, years 36.8 (4.2) 35.6 (4.4) 0.109 36.5 (4.3)
 BMIc 27.7 (5.8) 28.7 (6.9) 0.170 27.9 (6.1)
 HR, beats/minute 68.0 (8.4) 69.5 (9.6) 0.150 68.3 (8.7)
 Smoking 24.6 31.7 0.146 26.2
 Diabetes 3.7 6.3 0.042 4.5
 SBP, mm Hg 111.5 (10.2) 116.9 (12.6) <0.001 112.7 (11.0)
 DBP, mm Hg 75.8 (7.7) 78.5 (9.1) <0.001 76.5 (8.2)
 afPWV, m/second 5.1 (0.8) 5.3 (1.0) 0.008 5.1 (0.8)
C1,d mL/mm Hg × 10e 15.6 (4.2) 14.4 (4.3) 0.012 15.3 (4.3)
C2,d mL/mm Hg × 100e 6.7 (2.6) 5.5 (2.5) <0.001 6.3 (2.6)
 SVR, dynes·second·cm−5 e 1,297 (235) 1,403 (284) <0.001 1,326 (253)
 Age, years 43.6 (4.4) 42.4 (4.5) 0.024 43.3 (4.4)
 BMI 28.9 (6.1) 30.1 (7.4) 0.108 29.2 (6.4)
 HR, beats/minute 69.7 (8.9) 71.4 (9.6) 0.126 70.1 (9.1)
 Smoking 24.9 31.7 0.164 26.5
 Diabetes 7.2 12.5 0.026 8.4
 SBP, mm Hg 113.5 (11.7) 120.5 (15.2) <0.001 115.2 (13.0)
 DBP, mm Hg 79.3 (7.9) 82.9 (11.0) <0.001 80.1 (8.9)
 afPWV, m/second 6.9 (2.1) 7.0 (1.9) 0.328 6.9 (2.0)
C1, mL/mm Hg × 10e 15.2 (4.4) 13.2 (4.4) <0.001 14.7 (4.5)
C2, mL/mm Hg × 100e 6.2 (2.8) 4.8 (2.1) <0.001 5.8 (2.7)
 SVR, dynes·second·cm−5 e 1,358 (249) 1,530 (339) <0.001 1,405 (287)

Abbreviations: afPWV, aortic-femoral pulse wave velocity; BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.

a Unless otherwise noted, the total number of subjects was 446 (342 whites and 104 blacks), with 148 males and 194 females among whites and 39 males and 65 females among blacks.

b P values for racial/ethnic differences in continuous variables were adjusted for sex and age (except age itself).

c Weight (kg)/height (m)2.

d C1, large-artery (capacitive) compliance; C2, small-artery (oscillatory) compliance.

e The total number of subjects was 381 (277 whites and 104 blacks), with 116 males and 161 females among whites and 38 males and 66 females among blacks.