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. 2016 Mar 21;11(3):e0149983. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149983

Table 2. Hazard Ratio for cases compared to non-cases unadjusted and adjusted for variables shown.

Variable adjusted for Categories or five number summary Number of individuals or value HR 95% CI p-value
None (unadjusted) Case 100 2.33 1.63–3.32 <0.001
Non-case 98
Age a Number 198 1.46 1.01–2.10 0.04
Minimum 19
25th centile 70
Median 80.5
75th centile 86
Maximum 98
Sex a Male 87 2.30 1.61–3.29 <0.001
Female 111
Year of admission 2005 65 2.30 1.61–3.28 <0.001
2006 67
2007 66
Month of admission January 24 2.34 1.59–3.44 <0.001
February 22
March 24
April 18
May 14
June 11
July 16
August 18
September 17
October 11
November 11
December 12
Place admitted from b Own home 160 2.20 1.53–3.17 <0.001
Residential care 29
Another hospital 3
Other 4
Malignancy diagnosis at index admission a Yes 31 2.39 1.67–3.40 <0.001
No 167
Infection diagnosis other than Clostridium difficile at index admission b Yes 84 2.29 1.55–3.67 <0.001
No 114
Charlson Comorbidity index a Number 198 2.24 1.57–3.19 <0.001
Minimum 0
25th centile 0
Median 2
75th centile 3
Maximum 12
Immune compromised condition at index admission b Yes 23 2.27 1.59–3.25 <0.001
No 173
Haemoglobin g/dL b Number 180 2.14 1.46–3.13 <0.001
Minimum 5.6
25th centile 10.6
Median 12.1
75th centile 13.6
Maximum 19.4
Total White Cell count 109/L Number 166 2.43 1.65–3.57 <0.001
Minimum 3.1
25th centile 7.7
Median 10.9
75th centile 14.3
Maximum 66.3
Blood Glucose mmol/L Number 62 1.64 0.87–3.08 0.12
Minimum 1.7
25th centile 5.6
median 7.0
75th centile 9.4
Maximum 70
Serum Creatinine umol/L Number 161 2.28 1.54–3.37 <0.001
Minimum 5
25th centile 72
Median 90
75th centile 128
Maximum 512
Serum Urea mmol/L b Number 145 2.27 1.50–3.44 <0.001
Minimum 2.0
25th centile 5.5
Median 8.0
75th centile 14.1
Maximum 130.0
Fever≥ 38 C during Index admission b Yes 31 2.52 1.74–3.66 <0.001
No 155
Systolic Blood pressure ≤ 100 mmHg Yes 31 2.45 1.70–3.58 <0.001
No 164
Clinical diagnosis of sepsis Yes 15 2.41 1.68–3.47 <0.001
No 183
Positive blood culture Yes 1 2.32 1.62–3.31 <0.001
No 197
Smoking History b Current smoker 23 2.89 1.79–4.66 <0.001
Past smoker 46
Never smoker 61
Type of alcoholic drinker Heavy 4 2.13 1.49–3.06 <0.001
Drinker but not heavy 156
Non-drinker 38
Surgery during index admission b Yes 51 2.50 1.75–3.57 <0.001
No 145
Nasogastric tube inserted during index admissiona Yes 28 2.30 1.58–3.33 <0.001
No 167
Procedure other than surgery during index admission Yes 69 2.27 1.55–3.35 <0.001
No 124
IMD score Number 198 2.37 1.66–3.39 <0.001
Minimum 0.7
25th centile 6.5
Median 9.6
75th centile 14.4
Maximum 32.1

a indicates variables included in the final multivariable Cox Regression model

b indicates variables considered in stepwise multivariable survival modelling but excluded from the final Cox Regression model