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. 2016 Mar 21;11(3):e0150896. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150896

Table 2. Demographic characteristics for conjoint survey participants.

Demographic Variable n %
What is your gender?
Male 0 0%
Female 302 100%
To which age group do you belong?
18–24 219 72.50%
25–29 48 15.90%
30–35 35 11.60%
36+ 0 0%
Please select one or more racial categories that best describes you*.
Caucasian or White 276 91.40%
Black or African American 7 2.30%
African 1 0.30%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 3 1.00%
Asian 6 2%
South Asian-includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka 3 1%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 0 0%
Other 8 2.60%
Decline to Answer 4 1.30%
Please select your select your ethnicity
Hispanic or Latina 14 4.60%
Not Hispanic or Latina 283 93.70%
Decline to Answer 5 1.70%
What is your employment status?
Employed 68 23%
Student 227 75%
Unemployed 1 0%
Homemaker 6 2%
Retired 0 0%
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than High School 0 0%
High School/GED 25 8%
1 or more years of college, no degree 144 48%
Bachelor's degree (For example: BA, AB, BS) 93 31%
Master's degree (For example: MA, MS, Med, MEng, MBA) 37 12%
Professional degree (For example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD) 1 0%
Doctoral Degree (For example: PhD, EdD) 2 1%
What is your current marital status?
Married 51 17%
Widowed 0 0%
Divorced 2 1%
Separated 0 0%
Single, never married 249 82%
On average, how often have you had vaginal sex in the past 12 months?
Less than once per month 60 20%
2–4 times per month 114 38%
2–4 times per week 103 34%
More than 4 times per week 20 7%
Decline to answer 5 2%
How many different male partners have you had vaginal sex with in the past 12 months?
One 195 65%
5-Feb 93 31%
10-Jun 9 3%
More than 10 2 1%
Decline to answer 3 1%
What types of sex do you typically engage in (select all that apply)?
Vaginal 294 97%
Anal 16 5%
Oral 229 76%
Decline to answer 6 2%
Do you typically use a lubricant during vaginal sex?
Yes, all the time 16 5%
Yes, occasionally 58 19%
Yes, I have tried it 99 33%
No, I have never tried one 126 42%
Decline to answer 3 1%
Do you require your partner to wear a condom during vaginal sex?
Yes, all the time 114 38%
Yes, only with someone new 23 8%
Yes, occasionally 43 14%
No, we use other methods of birth control 104 34%
No, we use other methods to prevent STD transmission 1 0%
No 11 4%
Decline to answer 6 2%
How often are you screened for STDs/HIV?
Annually 121 40%
Once every 2–3 years 42 14%
Every time I change my sexual partner 39 13%
Never 97 32%
Decline to answer 3 1%
Have you ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?
Yes 25 8%
No 273 90%
Decline to answer 4 1%
Please indicate the number of vaginal deliveries you have had (do not include Cesarean Section/ “C-Section” deliveries)
None 282 93%
One 12 4%
Two 7 2%
Three 1 0%
Four or more 0 0%
How often have you used a vaginal medication for yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis?
Frequently 3 1%
Occasionally 29 10%
Once or twice 125 41%
Never used one 145 48%
Do you use a tampon?
Yes, for every cycle 234 77%
Yes, a few times a year 31 10%
Yes, I have tried it 22 7%
No, I have tried one 15 5%
Have you ever tried a spermicidal cream/gel for birth control?
Yes 12 4%
No 290 96%
Decline to answer 0 0%

* category sum exceeds 100% because individuals were allowed to check more than one category; six individuals did so, 5 of whom selected ‘causasian or white’ along with another category.