GDH1 has a minimal role in rDNA silencing. (A) The gdh1Δ strain showed canavanine sensitivity in a silencing-independent manner. The following strains were plated on SC-Arg (control) and SC-Arg + canavanine (0.75 μg/mL): WT rDNA::ADE2-CAN1 (LPY4909), gdh1Δ rDNA::ADE2-CAN1 (LPY16019), WT CAN1 (LPY17954), gdh1Δ CAN1 (LPY17951), WT can1-100 (LPY5), and gdh1Δ can1-100 (LPY16026). Note that this was a lower concentration of canavanine than used in the silencing assay. Decreased growth indicates increased sensitivity to canavanine. (B) rDNA silencing at NTS1 was unaffected in the gdh1Δ mutant. WT (LPY2446), sir2Δ (LPY2445), and gdh1Δ (LPY16009) strains carried the rDNA Ty mURA3 insertion, and silencing was assessed on SC-Ura. Increased growth indicates defective silencing. (C) Mitotic recombination within the rDNA array was mildly elevated in the gdh1Δ mutant. WT (LPY4909), gdh1Δ (LPY16019), and sir2Δ (LPY5013) strains were assessed as described in SI Materials and Methods. Data represent the averages from three to four independent experiments.